On Tuesday, February 9th, 2021, Business Made Simple hosted its first virtual summit.
This was the first virtual summit the company has hosted, and they shared how they were able to scale their business to multiple millions in revenue.
If you couldn’t attend the summit, we’re super sorry. Hopefully, the company will host another one soon.
But if you did attend did you catch this small piece of information that the company shared?
The piece of information was that the company is working on creating an operating system unique to the Business Made Simple framework.
That’s right if you didn’t hear it then you’re hearing it now.
Soon business owners will be able to use the Business Made Simple operating system to streamline their business, revenue, and profit.
How exciting!
Read on for a bit more information on the Business Made Simple operating system.
What is an Operating System?
First, what is a business operating system?
According to the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a business operating system is:
“[That] gets everyone in the company on the same page, with the same vision, working toward the same goals. Expectations, processes, and accountability are defined so that everyone is in sync and operating together like a well-oiled machine.”
In other words, a business operating system is a compilation of processes, procedures, frameworks, and systems that allow everyone in the business to cohesively work together towards the same objectives.
Sounds valuable, right? Keep reading to hear our theory on Business Made Simple’s operating system.
What is the Business Made Simple Operating System?
While truly little is currently known about the BMS OS, the company has been heading in this direction for a while.
Need a process for creating a clear message? Learn and apply the SB7 Framework.
Need a system for generating and closing leads? Learn and apply the Marketing Made Simple Framework.
Need a framework for leading your team? Learn and apply the Mission Statement Made Simple Framework.
As you can tell, Business Made Simple has built its entire business on developing processes, procedures, and frameworks.
The next logical step is to determine how each of these frameworks work with each other and how to package everything so that business owners can purchase and extract value from the operating system.
So, we theorize that the Business Made Simple operating system will cover the areas of:
- Leadership
- Sales
- Marketing
- Execution
- Management
- Productivity
- Finance
- And more
The three core areas of business are administration, marketing, and finance. We believe Business Made Simple’s operating system will show business owners how to streamline these core areas for maximum efficiency.
How is the Business Made Simple Operating System Different From Other OS?
Business Made Simple isn’t the first company to navigate the business operating system waters.
The largest competitor that the company will have to face is EOS Worldwide.
The major components of EOS are:
- Vision
- Data
- Process
- Traction
- Issues
- People
While the major components of Business Made Simple’s operating system might be:
- Leadership
- Messaging
- Marketing
- Communication
- Productivity
- Emotional IQ
- Proposals
- Negotiation
- Management
- Sales
- Execution
- Business Strategy
- Character
And that’s about it! But as you can see, Business Made Simple has indeed been heading in this direction.
Keep an eye out for the various components of BMS’s operating system because we think they will be in line with what the company has already released.
When will the Business Made Simple Release its Operating System?
All this talk getting you excited for the Business Made Simple operating system?!
Us too.
So, when will it be released?
At this point, there’s no information on when the company will release the operating system.
However, during the Business Made Simple Summit, Donald Miller hinted that we might see the Business Made Simple operating system in 2021 or 2022.
We hope it’s sooner rather than later.
In Summary
Do you think your business needs an operating system with all this information?
Hold on a while longer because Business Made Simple plans on releasing its operating system to help business owners streamline their businesses.
Are you looking forward to the Business Made Simple operating system? Didn’t know they were planning on releasing one? Let us know your thoughts on Twitter.
Here’s to waiting for another stellar Business Made Simple product release.