How to Write StoryBranded Emails that Get Results

How to Write StoryBranded Emails that Get Results

Email is one of the most effective marketing channels. Yet, in order to get results, your emails need to be well-written and engaging. Unfortunately, most small business owners find that the minute they sit down to write these all-powerful emails, their minds go blank. If this has happened to you, keep reading. Learn how to write StoryBranded emails that get results. 


How to Write High-Quality Emails

The first and most important, piece of writing emails that get results is to write high-quality emails people actually look forward to reading. Here are a few tips to help your email copy stand out in your potential client’s crowded email inbox. 


Use a Catchy Subject Line

Your potential clients receive hundreds of emails a day. If you want people to open your emails regularly, you need to start with a subject line that will pique their curiosity. In order to do that all your subject lines should be:

When appropriate, you can use these two tactics to make your subject line even more irresistible. Make some of your email subjects: 

  • Visually Appealing (use emojis, capital letters, bold, exclamations, etc.)
  • Time Sensitive (eg. HUGE sale-today only!)

Donald Miller recommends spending six minutes brainstorming subject lines before choosing one. If you struggle to come up with ideas, there are several tools out there to help you brainstorm like the email subject line generator and the CoSchedule email subject line tester

How to Write StoryBranded Emails that Get Results_article


Get to the Point

The next crucial element of writing emails that get marketing results is to keep your emails focused and to the point. 

Write emails that are short and concise, around 100-300 words. To decide what your email should be about, Donald Miller recommends defining a controlling idea, or main goal guiding your email campaign. You should also define a story question. This is the question that you want customers to ask themselves after reading your email. The question should motivate them to follow your call to action in order to find the answer.  

By the time clients finish reading your email, they should always feel as though they have gained something. This could be knowledge, an update, inspiration, or even an exclusive discount. This small win will motivate potential customers to keep reading your emails because they know there will always be something in it for them. 


Tell People What to Do Next

Last, but definitely not least, a potential customer should always know exactly what you want them to do next. You have to clearly state what action you want people to take after reading your email. This is called the “call to action”. 

Businesses often feel that they are being too pushy by directly stating what they want customers to do. However, if someone is taking the time to read your email campaign, they are interested in the transformation you offer. By telling them exactly what action to take, you are better serving your audience. Clear next steps allow readers to feel confident that they can trust you and your product or service. 


Use Email Sequences 

In order to continue building trust, you want to stay in touch with your audience on a regular basis. A great way to do that is by using automated email sequences. There are two types of email campaigns: a sales email sequence and a nurture email sequence. 


Sales Sequence

When someone first signs up for your email list, they should receive a sales sequence that educates them about a product or service related to your lead magnet, or lead generator

In Donald Miller’s Book Marketing Made Simple, he says an effective sales sequence should include these six emails:

  1. Deliver the lead generator.
  2. Explain a problem and how your company provides a solution.
  3. A testimonial (or several) showing how your product or service has transformed the lives of previous customers.
  4. Overcome the main objection customers have that is keeping them from buying.
  5. Show how your product or service provides a unique solution to the problem your potential client is facing.
  6. A sales letter that explains it all: the problem, how you can guide people toward success, what might happen if they don’t use your product,  the plan to help them succeed, and a call to action telling them exactly what to do to get started. (Essentially, this last email will be your StoryBrand BrandScript.) 

It may feel counterintuitive to begin with a sales email marketing campaign. However, the purpose of these emails is to continue educating and to build trust by showcasing how your product or service can transform your potential customer’s situation. By focusing on your potential client and their transformation more than the product itself, you are selling without feeling sleazy or pushy in the process.


Nurture Sequence 

Once a customer decides to purchase your product, or after they’ve gone through your full sales sequence, they will enter into a nurture email sequence. These emails provide a way to continue the relationship with your ideal client. 

In your nurture sequence, you can provide announcements, notifications, tips, inspiration, or even valuable content you’ve created or curated that is related to solving your client’s problem. 

Remember, as with all marketing materials made using the StoryBrand Framework, these emails are not about you and your company. Your client is still the hero and helping them succeed is always your main goal. Nurture emails exist to remind people of the problem you solve and your authority to be their guide by continually providing valuable content, resources, and a clear path to success. 


Ready to Write StoryBranded Emails that Get Results?

Now that you know how to get your emails opened, what kind of emails to send, and what information to include, you may feel relieved or a little overwhelmed. If sending StoryBranded emails sounds like entirely too much writing and technological know-how for your timeline, we’d be happy to help. Contact us today to speak with one of our Certified StoryBrand Guides about how we can write StoryBranded emails that get results for you so that you can stay focused on running your business.

Angie Schultz StoryBrand Certified Guide since 2018

Angie Schultz

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Over the last four years, we’ve partnered with Angie Schultz, a StoryBrand Certified Guide, to help help dozens of businesses implement StoryBrand on their websites and marketing materials.
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