Is The BrandScript The Greatest Tool StoryBrand’s Given Us?

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At Agency Boon, we love tools that can help us be more productive or creative.

Our founder even considers himself somewhat of a tool junkie (it’s even better if the tool is free). Maybe you might too.

One tool that we’re particularly grateful for (and we know you are too) is the BrandScript from StoryBrand.

Over the last few years, StoryBrand has given us many business and marketing tools to make our working lives more productive and creative, but is the BrandScript the best tool the company has given us?

That’s the question this post aims to answer.

Read on to glean from our analysis of the StoryBrand BrandScript.


What is a “Tool”?


The dictionary defines a tool as “an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations” or “any instrument of manual operation”.

No offense but these definitions lack something.

We would define a tool as “something that helps you accomplish a task efficiently”.

With that working definition, let’s look at every tool given to us by StoryBrand itself.


Every Tool Given to us by StoryBrand


StoryBrand has given us tons of items and instruments that let us do our jobs more efficiently.

Here are tools StoryBrand has released that fit our definition of “tool”:

We think these tools round out the list but if you think of a StoryBrand tool that we missed, let us know on Twitter!


What’s the Greatest Tool from StoryBrand?


With all these fantastic business, marketing, and productivity tools, it’s hard to pick the best one.

We can understand arguments for the SB7 Framework or Business Made Simple University.

You could honestly make an argument for any of the tools listed.

We, however, would like to make an argument for the BrandScript as the best StoryBrand tool.

Hear us out.


An Argument for the BrandScript


We know what you might be thinking… “The StoryBrand BrandScript is the least valuable of all the tools listed! I’ve gotten so much more out of the Building a StoryBrand book and BMSU!”

Calm down, calm down. We hear from you.

But listen to these three reasons before you start hating on the BrandScript.


1. It’s a tool you can use immediately

The BrandScript is something that you can begin using immediately and extract value from the minute you begin using it. You don’t need to read through the whole book or take the whole course to understand and use the BrandScript. Simply sign in and start the clarification process.


2. It encompasses the essence of StoryBrand

The BrandScript is essentially the book Building a StoryBrand in a condensed format. It’s all about putting the customer first with the BrandScript and we know that this is the heart of StoryBrand’s message. The customer is your hero, not your brand!


3. It’s free

It costs you $0 to use the BrandScript. All you must do is signup for an account. The books and courses come with their own price tags and listening to the podcast might eat up an hour of your time. How much is your hourly rate, again?


In Summary


That third argument for the BrandScript brings us to the conclusion of our post.

We’ve defined what a tool is, we’ve listed the tools that StoryBrand has given us, and we even made a few arguments in favor of the BrandScript being the best tool the company has given us.

We know, though, that it certainly won’t be the last.

Angie Schultz StoryBrand Certified Guide since 2018

Angie Schultz

Make StoryBrand work for you.

So many business leaders fall in love with StoryBrand but get overwhelmed when it comes to making it work for their website.

Over the last four years, we’ve partnered with Angie Schultz, a StoryBrand Certified Guide, to help help dozens of businesses implement StoryBrand on their websites and marketing materials.
Schedule a call with our team by clicking the form below. We’d love to chat about helping you leverage the power of StoryBrand, too.

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